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Reouija Sleepover was such a freakin' good game! So far, I've truly enjoyed all of your games that I've gotten a chance to play but this one really resonated with me. 

[If anyone reads this full comment, there will be some spoilers]

Not only did I like that both of the main characters were queer and that the protagonist was a trans man, but the entire story just really drew me in.
Aiden and Dan were incredibly likeable and fun characters to follow around, and the premise of Aiden finding a random Ouija board in the trash and subsequently trying to prank Dan with it was an excellent start to the horrific events that followed.
I often enjoy the idea of characters getting drawn into an alternate dimension through supernatural means, and the transition into the awful dimension in this game was very well done. 

Meeting Linda was wretched, too. 
You did an excellent job with writing her, because even before we found out about the despicable things she had done and her transphobia... she was truly annoying and by the end of the game I did honestly hate her. (It's rare that I hate fictional characters, but you did a great job of making her terrible in every single way.)
Finding out the horrible things she had done in life and her beliefs/feelings towards men - and her belief that trans men aren't men - definitely added to the bleak and tense atmosphere of the strange dimension that the main characters were stuck in. It not only brought to light why the first two bad endings happened for seemingly no reason, but it also added a sense of urgency to escape or eliminate Linda (or both.)
Plus, it added to the horror of the entire game and made the chase sequences just that much more nerve-wracking. 

I really enjoyed getting all of the endings, too.
The bad ones were so heartbreaking and emotionally jarring, but they really cemented just how horrible Aiden and Dan's situation was.
The True End was beautiful, though. It sincerely made me feel so much joy and I cheered out loud. It was so good!

(As an aside because I don't know where to put this: I loved the character designs! The colors used for each character's design were incredibly eye-catching and suited each character so much.)

Anyhow, I think it's safe to say I really loved this game.
You did a great job on it! (And I'm sorry for this novel of a comment.)


Thank you so much! And don't apologize, I love reading long comments! It makes me very happy when people resonate with my games this much 😊 Especially since I feel like a lot of people overlook reouija... it doesn't perform very well compared to my other games, but I'm still glad I remade it.


Ahaha, I'm glad that you don't mind long comments 😆 
I'm also glad you remade the original game! 
Although, I'm sincerely surprised that it doesn't perform as well as your other games. I think people are missing out. 
Even if others overlook it, I can definitely say it has joined the ranks of my favourite RPG Maker horror games!