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The beginning is a bit hard but I got the hang of it soon enough. The magical 'renting' idea is pretty neat. The visual are fine and the girls are unique in their own way. Music fits just fine as well.

So I found it to be too easy after the first bumb you encounter. Not sure if I exploited it or something like that. More sound effects would be nice as well. I don't mind the engine it was made, just a good exercise.


Thanks for your feedback =D. Yeah we needed to balance it a bit more and defo could do with some sfx. The dream would do make it more like X-Com... but magical girls xD. Thanks for playing. 

That's a neat idea! Will you update this one or just create another one untied to the jam?


Not sure yet. Hopefully just update this one but it's a while off since we're also working on a bigger game for a while now. We mostly did this for fun xD. But it would be cool to make it more X-COM and just place it on this games page. Big upgrade stuff you know?