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You TEASE, Invidi! Expand the temple, but didn't have time to finish the trial? I'm going to sic Rinny on you because sending a hot succubus after you will surely be motivating right? 

One thing I am curious on, is I purchased a pass to the Gallery, went west instead of South, then when returned east I tried to go south and it said I needed to pay for a pass (which I should of had). Was that an oversight, or it is intentional? 100 gold isn't too much of a concern, just curious.

Biggest question is there's spots that aren't finished (like the locked door in Succubus Manor) that just seem to take a back seat to expanding new content. I'm sure you'll get to it eventually, just wondering why you introduce something and then it just says "not ready yet, come back later". Are the spots late game areas? Given that you introduced a couple of areas in UNA and they are just "come back later" I'm wondering what the heck those areas are gonna be like! 


haha, I just ran out of time, sorry! I'm working on it!

And thanks, I can fix that.

Some of the spots are late game stuff, others are just stuff I haven't gotten to yet because I'm working on other things XP. I'll get to them eventually, promise!