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A very pretty game to be sure. The use of billboards for the character sprites makes them stand out in a nice way. I also really enjoyed the premise. Wet wings are a natural way of conveying limited jumps and a cute concept to play with. 

The performance of this game is interesting. I first played it in full screen, and I experienced frame drops, audio cutting out, and precision demanding jumps. I ended up restarting the game to grab the coin instead of going back to it because it was too much of a hassle. But the fact that I finished the game anyway is a testament to how much I enjoyed it despite these issues. 

I went back to check on something, though, and found these problems were greatly reduced without full screen. Audio didn't chop out, the game maintained consistent 60 fps instead of choppy 30 fps, and jumps were easier to make. It's not a complete improvement, though, as text boxes are enlarged and even partially out of frame. 

The lily pad in particular was really rough for me. In full screen, I couldn't land on it half the time. And when I did, my character jerked around and straight into the water. This was much better in the browser page, but I still noticed that hint of jerkiness. I suspect there's some issue with the player following a moving platform? I don't know what engine this was made in, but whenever something like this pops up in Unity, a common trick is to make the player transform a child of the platform while they're riding it. Helps to avoid janky physics interactions. Maybe something similar could help here.

Most of what I said might have been critical, but I really did enjoy my time with this game. Obviously, technical issues are going to pop up in a game jam like this. But if you have the mind to polish this up later and address some of the performance, I think you could have a nifty little title on your hands. Props to the team for a solid jam entry, and thanks for the delight. 

P.S: I noticed you have the FPS displayed at the top left corner? I imagine it's left over from testing. Not an issue at all, but I wanted to point it out regardless. 

Thanks for playing.

Appreciate the feedback.
Interesting that you had performance problems.

Are you using Chrome? It's the only browser that plays nice with WebGL in my experience. Also, do you mind telling me what GPU and resolution you're using. I'm using a GTX 650 Ti from 2012 and I can't get the framerate to drop, even at 1440p in full screen.

As for the lily pad, it might be the framerate that's causing it. Was the game stuttering? It should compile most shaders at the start, but maybe it doesn't on some hardware.

I am indeed using Chrome. And yes, there was heavy visual and audio stuttering while in full screen. 

I'm admittable not as tech savvy when it comes to computer hardware as I should be. But I believe the answers to your questions are  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti and 1920 x 1080, 60 Hx.

If you suspect the problem's with my machine specifically, then I think it's also worth noting that my C Drive's been a little cramped and I've had trouble freeing up space.