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Hey! I just wanna say that, even though I've yet to complete a run of the game, that this is an amazingly written and put together game! I should write a full review when I'm done, but I wanted to just comment and say that I thoroughly enjoy the adventures of Valera! 

You've got quite the way with character writing, I'd say! I found myself caring for Valera almost instantly! (Though I'm biased towards cute elves!) Many of the comedy moments made me laugh, and I was invested in knowing more about each of the character's lives and stuff as soon as I met each one! 

The way you write the erotic parts as well is very good, I find the combination of the wacky kinky set-pieces/scenarios and the way you write the characters talking about boundaries and how they feel, very very cute and sweet! Makes it feel more real, fun, and relaxed! Can't wait to see if you make something else someday! 

(Final Note: Might I just praise as well your use of the RPG Maker assets? Each piece is used in a very naturalistic way, that it makes the environments feel much more lived in than I expected, if you don't mind me saying! RPG Maker games are cute in general, and you really used that to your advantage! Very cute little locations! ^w^)

Thank you very much for your kind words! Please accept a Paladin hug from Valera for taking the time to express them here! I am appreciative to hear what worked and didn't work, but it really hits home to know you liked the characters and writing! I don't remember if I ever said it anywhere, but what I really wanted to do was tell a good story and make people feel excited to see characters. It's really motivating to know they came across so well.

A piece of advice I was given when learning RPG Maker was to not make the game you want to make on your first go. Sound advice, because I clearly had no idea how to implement any mechanics in this game. I managed to get through it though, and the finished product was able to garner a reaction like this, it really gives me the drive to get started on that one project roiling around in my head. So thank you again!