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Ahh the powerup makes you invincible so you can destroy the bones. Nice! I think you should add a boundary area for how far the pumpkin can move to the sides of the screen because I could move the pumpkin completely off the screen to the left. Maybe some repeating tiles along the edge with a boundary would make sure you stayed within the bounds of the screen. Nice animations on the pumpkin too! Fun!

(1 edit)

First of all thanks for trying it out im sorry you had some issues it sounds kinda weird to me cause i made it so you get teleported to the other side when you go to far to the side.

what is your screen resolution and did you play in full screen ? 

Playing on 1920x1080 on my 16:9 monitor not in fullscreen mode, in windowed mode and I was able to just move all the way left off screen.

Oh I see well technically it's allowed but you won't earn points if you stay "hidden" so I think that is fair plus if you go more to the side you appear on the other side (retro game teleport vibe), but thanks for the feedback appreciate it