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I’m sorry you’ve had to put up with anxiety and depression yourself cos it’s not a fun place to be :( It was suggested to me around 5 years ago that I was likely on the autistic spectrum, and it was only last week that I finally got my diagnosis appointment which confirmed it! The psychological team reckons my anxiety and depression developed because of growing up with ASD and not struggling to fit in >.< So yeah, I can’t help but question how different my life might’ve been if someone had identified it in me as a kid rather than not finding out until my adult life x3

Ooo, Birdman sounds like it would have been a very interesting character to interact with! And that would have been so cool if you’d been able to use your local zoo as a filming location :3 I can imagine it must be rather time-consuming to film and edit everything though as you say! I haven’t edited film myself, but I’ve done a lot of cutting of voice lines over the years, and it’s always one of those tasks that takes a while, haha.

Sadly, I don’t have anywhere near enough confidence to get in touch with any groups like that >.< I’m pretty much terrified of interacting with strangers at this point, haha. I struggle to reach out to anyone in general, but hopefully, I can get some therapy or something to help me handle my social fears a bit better!

I wish you all the best with your future endeavours though :3 I’m excited to see what else you create!