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Wow that was sad, like, I expected it to be sad given the description but I suppose the way you wrote the dialogue with how happy Lady Violetta is before she quickly devolves to apologies and tears to her maid-of-honor. The spinning animation though put me off track, I was thinking "is she cycling through her emotions quickly??" though I couldn't be so sure.

I like how realistic the dialogue is, that Lady Violetta was unable to be strong enough to abandon everything she's gotten so familiar with to be with her maid of honor because it truly is difficult to let go of a life you've already have roots growing in. Amazing job with beautiful art though the fact that the textbox is slightly hard to navigate and the ending of the visual novel is kinda not explicitly stated does make things difficlut, regardless, job well done!


Thank you so much for giving it a try! This was my first time making something like this from scratch, so I appreciate the feedback ^^ I'll make sure it is easier to navigate next time, and mark the ending better. Thank you for the feedback 🙏


No problem! It's really amazing that you did everything from scratch and honestly, that deserves a lot of praise! You did amazing!