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(1 edit)

I downloaded the test project from KC Mirrors and tested it there. I got the same crash. Then I fixed and the crash no longer happened. I will update the plugin again, maybe I made a mistake. otherwise, you have to either guide me to reproduce the error or send me a project so I can test it.

(EDIT) Also, My Char Manager plugin was below the KC Mirrors on my tests. Eli Book is the same version.

I didn't understand the last question. When using the filename common event, the plugin commands arguments that are related to finding a character by its ID, when you set 0, it will be referencing the character that is changing its filename. That is the expected behavior at least ^^''

This is not working for you?

Hi again,

I went on to re-download KC_Mirrors to make sure I had an updated version aligned with what you have and I also made sure all relevant plugins were updated such as the char manager and Eli Book, moved KC_Mirrors above the Eli plugins as well but I am getting crashes immediately upon booting up the test play, I'm not very experienced with understanding JavaScript or crash reports for that matter but when looking at the console it's referring to two lines:

I can't quite think else what might be the issue, I even made a backup and disabled other plugins I have installed to narrow down the fault and it's still only crashing upon test start up.

Just for the record my plugin versions are:

KC_Mirrors   v1.3.2

Eli Book         v5.4.14

Eli Char Manager v2.1.1

As for the common event thing I was trying to explain -I had intended to make use of the Z value (below actor) to work passively on an event page that otherwise needs to be touched or interacted with (disarming trap/triggering it despite discovery) so i figured in order to do that I simply have in the plugin commands to set a certain graphic to always be below actor but I figure I may be misunderstanding it.

There are two crashes happening one is not related to my plugin. By the looks of it, it seems you need the PluginCommonBase.js from the official RPG Maker MZ plugins. Probably have him above KC mirrors.

I guess that, maybe fixing this, will also fix the other error.

About the common event. I guess maybe you are not understanding because I'm not following what you want and what you are doing. I need you to tell me in a way more objectively what you are trying to do. Example:

"I have an event below priority, and I want it to appear above the player"

A Below Priority event has the Z value equal to 1. When you change the zIndex with my plugin, it will be added to it. Example:

  • Event 1 Below Priority = Z = 1 + zIndex 
  • If you set the zIndex with my plugin to 0.5, the result will be that:
  • Event 1 Below Priority = Z = 1 + 0.5 = 1.5

My plugin only changes the visual aspect of it. It will not change collision. If you want a certain graphic to always be below the actor, you just have to set the zIndex value to change the default Z value of the event to be less than 3. The sum of Default Z + zIndex must be below 3.

OK so I went and moved the plugins around and moved the PluginCommonBase.js above KC mirrors, still unfortunately getting crashes, I don't know what it's asking of me sadly.  I've even disabled various plugins the console is showing and it keeps asking me about undefined filters and such. Is there a way I can send report files or something that can showcase more data?

Far as I can tell it's the same error report.

I could resort to giving you a condensed copy of the project -however there are alot of plugins that are paid for licensed that may be attached.

As for the z value actions I wish to take, i'll further demonstrate.

In my project I want to try and make Traps the player often encounters in dungeons, when the player first steps to a trap event it runs a check on the players skill value and decides whether the player has detected the trap (thus prevents movement) or fails (actor walks on tile like normal and triggers effects)

When the trap is detected it's got a below actor priority set on the page so that the actor can still interact with it adjacent to the event to attempt to disarm the trap -OR the actor can ignore by walking over it calling a script call that activates trap if actor is on the same tile x,y coordinates. The problem is for this page I need to get the graphic to automatically set its z value to below player/other events etc while being able to activate the event adjacent to it or to automatically trigger when stepped on.

The only work around besides the interactive part is how to get the z value configured in the first place, using a plugin command to simply change the value requires it to be activated or run by parallel process but to have all these functions on one page that uses different types of triggers is a little complex but I see doable.

All the errors on the KC Mirrors that you shown me here, are all different. The error log shows it.

If you remove my plugin, and it works, then honestly, is better if you do not use my plugin at all. One of the things you have to decide on your project, when using plugins, is that. What plugins have priority on your project.

About the Z value, currently you can only change the z index with plugin commands or note tags. So, whathever you are doing your event, if you want to change the z value only on a specific page, then yes, you will have to use the plugin command somewhere to change the z value of that event.

Well the issue is I really want both plugins, for the mirror reflections it adds alot more character to the environments like the windows and puddles on the city streets, and with your plugin I can make great use of image manipulation which I definitely find useful, what I don't understand is why it's crashing when I am following your plugin instructions to the letter in terms of versions and placement and It's puzzling.

If you'd like to spare some time I can provide a project file if you wish to find the fault? I do have a google drive account which I often host project files if you like this method.

As for the Z value, I was testing and found that having the z value set to -1 forces the event graphic to below actor, also tested persistent data so it looks like I can easily have the event set the z value prior page changes which is very good for leaving the room and save/loading -very clever!

Nice the Z value thing worked for you! ^^

You can send me the link to the project on my discord: hakuenstudio

or through PM on the forums. So I can take a look into it. But you need to send me that project so I can easily replicate the error. If I have to trigger an event, send me the project where I can talk to that event(for example).

Yep! I'm currently stuck on one situation where I need to run a script call to check if the actor is adjacent to the event in question then activating via a button call (i have reasons) it's quite annoying but progress is being made.

For some reason I cannot locate the discord server, I am unsure if it's privatized or something but legitimately no searches come up with a discord server, you may have to provide me an invite link.

What I think i'll do is make a copy with alot of cut down on maps and unused large files like music etc and just have it operate on the rooms I'm using for testing grounds, the crash occurs immediately when I toggle new game anyhow.

its not a server, is my discord. You should look to send a friend request.

Will be waiting for the project ^^

Added you on discord, I thought I was looking for a discord server initially haha.

At the moment working on a few things and making backups before I send over a project :)