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Hello! Yes, it's the usual release wave routine. It will soon be available as a public version. Tomorrow, to be exact. You can check out how release waves work in posts like this one. I make similar posts for each game update to keep players posted.

As for Patreon, it did a lot of stuff tits-up, but I'm not aware of the clear rip-off. Do you mind sharing more details? It's pretty sad to acknowledge, but they are still number one for indie devs like me.

CANNOT read your posts on Patreon without becoming a Patron first...


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It's a public post and should be available to everyone... Well, unless Patreon changed something about this. I'll check it out with my friends just to be sure.

Yeap, release date reminder post that I linked is available to all users, included unlogged accounts/guests.

All that is visible is a list of them, without content, information, or explanation; therefore meaningless if you do not register as a Patron to get details.