Ah, man, if I could reach through the internet and give you a big hug, I would x3 Your top 3 are basically the 3 that get the least love, haha. Well, I guess it's too early to say for Tunnel Vision, but it wouldn't surprise me if it shares the same fate as poor Limbo Line >.<
I love all the stuff I've worked on over the years (well, besides Love in Lockdown, which can get in the bin x3) but I think maybe a lot of the people who follow me here are only really interested in Darling Duality >.< Which is great that they are interested in it at all and I appreciate that they are! But it does get disheartening when I see that often people don't look at my other projects x3 cos as much as I adore DD as a project, I have more love for all the ones you listed than I do for DD xD and from a dev point of view, I feel like they're all better games than DD too!
So yeah, I'm really glad that you've taken the time to check out some of my less-played stuff. It means a lot. So just thank you for being you I guess :3