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The controls are ok. The only thing that I did was to click on the ghosts, but did not understand the diference between colors and the big one vs the small ones. The area of click was to large, some times I destroy more than one ghost with the same click or take damage. There is a way to fix the house? Do my actions affect the house?

Check my game on the jam

Hi Fabricio,

Thank you for the feedback !

I will check about the controls. Did you play on mobile or PC ?

At the moment, the only difference between small and big ghosts is the score granted.
Variation should be added in the next update, with multiple boss and boss skills implemented.

The house is currently fixed (one sprite). Some features around rooms should come a bit later. Some options have to be playtested.
I would be happy to have your feedback once these are available !


I played on pc (web)