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This was freaking awesome, I loved it a lot!! The MC and their sister, Macie, were especially great. I loved their relationship. The art was very unique and captivating. I love how you never really see the MC's face but neither do you see the parents' faces, but you DO see the sister. As if the MC viewed the parents as monsters. I also love that the story can also have a lot of interpretations just like Kafka's Metamorphosis!


Thank you so much for playing! (i know I've said this multiple times but really! x3)

I was inspired to do the entire thing without showing the mc's face because of a letter Kafka wrote to his publisher, asking them not to depict the mc as anything in particular, which i agreed with. It wasn't important what kinda monster he is, but it was important that he wasnt quite human. The same goes for the parents as well, in this case, and I'm glad that got communicated :3c

once again, thank you for playing (and commenting!) I really appreciate it! ^^