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A member registered Apr 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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This is so heartbreaking... I'm so sorry this happened, Len!! I hope it gets reverted T_T

I followed you on Bsky and on Tumblr, though I dunno if you still use that one (hopefully I didn't message a stranger dskjbgdjks)

Do you have Discord? I'd like to keep in touch! I can DM you on Bsky!

Thank you!! 🥰

Thank you!! 💕 And of course! Those who want to play as an invisible MC will be able to choose their pronouns and name just like in WWCG 💪

Hehe, Bambi is a really cute nickname! 🥰

And sure! The manga is Paperbag-kun is in love 💕

Thank you so much!! And I feel you! I rarely see bodytypes like Fawna (baby-faced, petite and small chest), especially adult women, so it was something that I really wanted for her; plus the nickname Bambi now really suits her 🥰

The haircut was also something I really liked after I saw a similar one in a manga; and I agree! I also think it'd be super cute (and cool) to see someone with that hairstyle irl 💖 

Thank you so much!! 🥰 Making the scar bigger was Mustache's suggestion and I'm really happy about how it turned out 'cause now it looks more like a burn scar 💪

Thank you so much!! ❤️ Yeah, one of the things we wanted to make sure with Mustache is that Oz looked more angry 😂 and that Fawna looked cute and had deer-like eyes!

Aksjdbgksajb you're so sweet 🥹 It's a pleasure to be working with you!! 🥰

Hey there!

I really loved  this game, I recently played all of the seasons and had a blast!! The art is wonderful and I came to really love all of the characters and their stories. The theme of having a world of cool kids and losers was very unique and I loved how there were so many cat-like teachers xD

The point and click was a lot of fun, it inspires me to make a game like that some day. I'm looking forward to more of your games!!

Oh! One thing I wanted to mention is that I think there's a bug in Season 3. I collected all of the signatures for the yearbook but, for some reason, it still said that I was missing one. Then, when everyone started to look at the yearbook, I couldn't close it so I could see the finale.

Other than that, the rest worked perfectly and it was very fun. Thank you for making these games!! 🥰

Hi, Catherine! Thank you for reporting the bug! 🙏

It seems to be an issue with Windows 11. I'll look into it with the other programmers!

Muchas gracias!! 🥺💖

As someone who also has divorced parents, I felt Santi's anxiety and sadness of being in the middle of a separation. It can be very traumatizing, especially for a kid or a teenager.

I also really loved the art and the RGB aesthetic representing Santi's feelings!! The writing was very good, I'm curious about how the endings will go!!

Looking forward to the finished version, amazing work!! Especially knowing that you guys made this in 48 hours!!

Hi there! It has 3 different endings, you can check more info about the game in this page 🌸

Ahzhsxhs aaaahh thank you so much, Izumi!! It makes me happy that you enjoyed the game so much!! 🥺💖💕❤

As for the glossary, another player also mentioned that there were a bit too many words at the start, so I'll keep this in mind for the later chapters to make the glossary entries a little more spread out 💪 Thank you for your feedback!! 😊🌸

Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you!! ❤💕😭

Hi, there! If you deleted the game from your computer and you previously downloaded it for free, then you'd have to pay for it now.

I explain it in a bit more detail in this post but, in summary, I decided to make it a paid game to help me with game funds 🙏

Also, thank you for your kind words, I'm happy you like the game! 😊

Ashxhwhx that's really kind of you 🥺❤ thank you so much!!

Thank you so much for such a sweet review!! 🥹💖 I'm really happy you enjoyed the DEMO and the characters!! 💞 Hehe it also makes me smile that you like Parker being nonbinary! 🥰

And thank you very much for the feedback as well, I'll keep it in mind so as not to make the glossary entries be so close together in newer updates! 💪

Aww, thank you so much, I'm happy you like Parker and Rue! 🥰💕 Parker is a charming heartbreaker, aren't they? Hehe 🤭

It's indeed, intended! His full name literally means Lion King 🦁

Thank you so much for such a detailed and kind review (and rating!), Lion; it means a whole lot 😭💕❤

This is such a sweet comment, thank you so much for playing, L!! I'm really happy you enjoyed it!! 🥹💘💘💘

It's really endearing that you also found the right person for you heheh 🥰💞

And regarding Paris using a lot of emojis, I'm happy you liked that and found it relatable!! 🤭💞 

Aww thank you!! 🥰💕

Thank you! 🥰

That's really sweet of you, thank you so much!! 🥺💖💕

(1 edit)

Hey there!

There aren't any plans for that, at the moment, sorry 😞. As a creator from Argentina, my sales from Steam would be in Argentine Pesos and the economy in my country is so bad right now that I can't really bear the cost of having sales in pesos—especially considering the recurrent inflation. And since most of the people I hire for art, voice acting and other things are from overseas, I have to pay them in USD as well.

Hopefully this changes if I ever move to another country some day! If I ever sell it on Steam I'll be sure to make an announcement!

Have a great day too and I'm happy you like the game! ❤️ 

Those who have purchased the game on previously with the "name your own price method" for a minimum of 5 dollars wouldn't have to pay again if there are ever any changes to the base game. 

If there's ever any changes (for example, Aspen gets partial voice acting) and they happen to have the previous version, they can always contact me on prikarin(dot)owl(dot)gmail(dot)com and send me proof of their purchase.

If, however, you haven't purchased the game previously with the "name your own price" method (for a minimum of 5), then you'd have to pay for the game to download it again.

Hope that clears things up!

Gosh this is such a sweet comment 🥺❤💕 Thank you so much, Chatt!! I'm really happy you enjoyed it and liked all the details from the art and lore, it really means a whole lot!! 🥰❤😭

Thank you so much for your kind words 😭❤

Thank you so much, Hiro! I'm really happy you enjoyed it, especially when you created such a cool story and magic system for Quaint 😊💕

The glossary is one of my favorite additions to Potion Pleasing, I also felt that it was better than having the characters explain things that they should already know 💪

Thank you for such a kind comment! 🥰🌸

Thank you sm! 😭❤

Thank you! 🥺💕

Hola! Lo hice en Inglés desde el inicio porque así iban a jugarlo más personas y porque de por sí me gusta más escribir en inglés. En algún momento traduciré los juegos al español pero de momento la verdad no tengo mucho tiempo y las traducciones no solo llevan tiempo sino que también te desgastan skjbgksjdbg.


Thank you so much 😭💕❤

Unfortunately, crowdfunding isn't a possibility for me right now 😭

Kickstarter isn't available in Argentina and, even if it were, Kickstarter campaigns are very hard to make because they require a lot of planning, marketing and art to be done specifically for the campaign.

Currently, I don't have the money to hire an artist for a campaign nor someone who could help me with marketing; not to mention I also have a full-time job 😢.

Aww thank you so much!! 😭❤️ 
Hehe, Parker will definitely shake up Rue's world in a good way, and so will Rue with them 🤭

Rue definitely needs hugs ❤️ 

Congratulations, that's amazing!! 🥳

It was a super cute game ❤️ Would love to see Cupid again, hehe!

Thank you so much for your kind words and support, you're very sweet 🥺💕😭

Thank you so much for playing the demo, I'm happy you enjoyed it!! ❤️ Don't worry, you didn't come off as rude or snarky at all! 😊

You're right, WWCG definitely has a different vibe than Potion Pleasing! While both have mysteries, Potion Pleasing takes a bit more time to get into the darker parts of it (but this demo doesn't reach them quite yet). Something that I love from a lot of mystery stories is when things start off more light-hearted and slowly and progressively get darker 🤭

Thank you, I hope you enjoy it!! <3