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This game was cute! I'm terrible at the kind of controls where you want to dial in a direction and then let momentum do the carrying, but it's implemented very well, the controls are really good, and I like the background music, it's very fitting.

It's possible to scroll all of the parts of the level that tell you where you are off the screen, and then you're just hoping you're flying the right way in total inky blackness with very little reference for where you're moving to, and that makes it really hard to get back to where you're supposed to be. Even just some stars dotting the background to tell you that you're moving the right direction would be a big help.

Thanks for playing!  You are right it is a bit hard to tell where you are and where you are going.  Adding stars is a good idea - thanks!. That would definitely help.   You can zoom out by pausing the game with space bar  but it was a last minute feature and I didn't include it in the tutorial.