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Do I have to stay healthy? In my experience really good fun tends to be a tad unhealthy.

At least it did when I had a social life, a smaller belly and less hair growing in all the wrong places.

Well, it's not a requirement, I just wish you good health is all :D

Do whatever you like as long as you know your limits :)

(1 edit) (+1)

The game just froze and when I restarted my save game was gone. Not only that, the game immediately autosaved on all three slots at the same time. The autosave function really is useless. Why have three slots when they are all used at the same time?

Oh well. I had done pretty much everything apart from the other 6 characters' high-level message if they had one.

And 1 billion Favour didn't do anything, but I guess you knew that already.

It did crash my game, though that's probably a coincidence.

Oh no! Do you know at what point it froze?

And yeah, the autosave function isn't really optimal. It saves every 10 seconds, but uses another save slot every time. I haven't found a way to reliably save on WebGL without using an autosave function.

With the Gift upgrade "Shooting Star", your Karma per second gets boosted by the amount of Favors you have, but there is no dialogue which triggers at 1 billion (so far. . .)

But it really hurts me that you've lost your progress :(

I hope that I can make it up to you somehow.

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries, it is what it is.

Last time I checked I had 1.08 billion favours and I was in town looking at my buildings.

I might start again.

Let me know if there are any other high level messages beyond Meowruto and Hairy Pawter.

Can you include one of those manual save code things? That might me a way around it, though they can be decoded and cheated with.

Sure, there are high level monologues for the other cats as well! 

I just hope the game doesn't just crash like this again.


It is probably safe to say that one of you two is a cat person.

Have you read or seen (or both, like me) Sandman? The graphic novels by Neil Gaiman and/or the Netflix TV series.

The reason I ask is that Neil Gaiman's style is very stories-within-stories-within-stories and there is a little story about cats which the cat person/people among you may like as it has a tenous link to the game. The story is called A Dream of a Thousand Cats and it was released as a special episode after the end of season one of the TV show.

I have the entire Sandman collection on my PC as .cbr files. If you want to read this story, send me an email address and I'll send it to you.

You are correct, my wife absolutely loves cats! But since I'm allergic to them, we don't live with one :(

We've watched the first episode of Sandman on Netflix, it was alright, but we haven't had the time to watch the rest.


Fair enough.

Obviously I have no idea what kind of shows you like to watch, but Sandman was great. They didn't change anything from the comics apart from a little bit of race, age, sex and sexual orientation as is the way with media these days, but the story remains true to the comics. 

But if you are not a fan of the comics then this means nothing to you.

I spend most of my free time watching movies and TV shows with a little gaming and writing to plug the gaps. If your viewing time is limited, then there are definitely better shows out there.

But if you find the season 1 special which is listed on imdb as season 1, episode 11, you could watch it and you won't feel like you've missed anything. The stories are completely separate from the main storyline. I only go on about this as one of the stories is purely about cats and is a wonderful story.

(3 edits) (+1)

Another bug that has happened a few times but I couldn't really figure out how to initiate it.

Yes. I have restarted!

After manually buying a few items in the Yarn Shop when you have the Buy All button, a few glitches occur.

1. The picture of an item will fade and it's cost below it will not go up to the next level of that item. Also you cannot click on it.

2. Some items will have the item's name appear below the picture instead of the cost.

3.  All items will be missing the Effect, Level and Cost once you click on them to view their information.

4. After mass-buying a few items once the glitch is happening, the X to close the window vanishes, so you need to click the Prestige bar or go to the gift menu to close the window.

Any kind of prestige will get rid of these glitches.

This doesn't happen in the other shops. I usually buy the cats manually early on as the paw is a waste of money and I don't want it until I can auto buy all the upgrades with ease.

I don't know if different setups contribute to glitches or not, but I use Edge Browser, Windows 10 on a decade old PC that wasn't very good to start with, and I'm in China. Recreating the first two may be possible, but the third will probably be a tad tricky.

Thanks for your feedback!

I've had problems with the "buy all button" in the past, but I thought I got rid of them lol

I'll test it out some more.

One more question: have you used the filter in the shop? 

Thanks again, I hope I can get the next update ready soon.