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(1 edit)

A decent mix of FTL and pokemon which suits the gameboy theme. I really liked the music and I think the idea of a project like this has potential. The strategic depth of rpgs is a smart way to make an interesting game on limited hardware.  I also like the look of the graphics. The dithering used for shading looks very crisp and authentic. 

The menu controls all feel good, and when I was navigating around the map (using a keyboard) my inputs always made sense. I was able to navigate the information well. 

A few quality of life things: 

I might have an "auto turn end" feature if there are no valid actions to be taken by the player, even if you allow some folks to toggle it off if they don't like it. It got a bit tedious double checking everything to see whether I should end my turn.

I was disappointed on my first shop to have bought a ship and then found out that it didn't have any weapons, nor did the shop have any weapons to buy, so the ship just kind of sat there in my fleet not doing anything. Having a default, even non-damaging ability for each ship might raise the floor of how many interesting decisions the player has to make each turn.