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I liked it! The puzzles are nice, and I appreciate that the ship itself kinda points out where each ship part is - the hole for the lower right ship part is in the lower right, etc. I completely missed the lower left ship part at first, and that design decision made sure I knew where to look instead of fumbling around the whole map.

Also, when I first grabbed the rocket thing I thought that was a ship part and took it back to the ship, haha whoops. So in that regard, I also really appreciate the shortcuts opening up as you progress, otherwise I would have had to redo everything I just did!

My only complaint is with the jump - it's way too fast. It doesn't feel like there's any real arc or weight to it, the character just zooms straight up then straight down at top speed. I've barely pressed the button before he's back on the ground, so it's only with the rocket that it feels like there's a proper arc. The walking(?) speed is also a tad fast, though that's understandable considering the size of the map.

PS: I like the little fake-out of starting the game and thinking you'll play as this big astronaut, then you try to move and the head pops off.