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(1 edit) (+2)

I really liked the presentation, and deciding to make a management sim is a great and unexpected choice for this jam. The icons are clear. The news stories are amusing, with a large number of thinly-veiled in-jokes ("Harmony"? "Baby Whale"? "MrBrute"?). The cutscene with the truck delivering newspapers is pretty great, too.

The gameplay itself is a bit of a weak link. The only thing to judge the articles by is cost (unless I missed something really important... :) ).


Glad you picked up on the jokes! I had a lot of fun adding them in. The way to judge articles is by reading them and guessing how they will affect your stats, but it is rather hard. Thanks for the feedback! :D 


Thanks for the feedback! I would've liked to make an actual playable tutorial, but we had to just settle for a wall of text due to time :( There's no exact metric to judge each article by, you just try to figure out if the article would be a good fit based off the text, and try to keep any stat from dropping too far down. It probably doesn't help that I forgot to talk about events in the tutorial as well XD