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Okay! Now that I've actually gotten to play through the game a little bit, I can give more proper feedback.

I'm going to start with noting that I assume this game is intended for a controller. I always tell people who design games like this that they should always include keyboard settings in the event the player doesn't have a controller. You do seem to have some keybinds, but they're a little awkward in that it's WASD movement but ALSO uses keys for jumping, attacking and healing that would be more left handed than right. This makes it feel like you're only using the left hand to play. For keyboard controls, I'd say swap to using the arrow keys and then using Z, X and C for jumping, attack, healing, etc.

Movement wise, I did feel things moved at a nice pace. I was satisfied with my speed, both in moving and attacking. Jumping and having platforms I couldn't reach until I got the double jump in the first screen felt a little awkward. I would suggest trying to reduce that a bit. Let the player get a feel for controls BEFORE they observe things they can't jump on.

Hit detection for enemies was a bit janky. When I'd attack, rather than be where I was making physical contact, it was so long as I was in their huge box. I noticed rather large spaces. If the plan is to make the attack range bigger than the punch, I'd recommend giving a weapon to the player that could be used to represent this distance. That way, the player will feel like they're actually hitting.

I also encountered a bug where I fell out of the game. Just lettin' ya know. XD

Finally, it was a bit of an issue to get past that first screen when you start when you're on mouse and keyboard, because the mouse cursor vanishes and there's no way to tell what choice you're choosing. Better support of keyboard would help here, since then you'd be ensuring everything has to work on both controller and keyboard.

I'd also say for now, since your game is currently in a more prototype/alpha stage, to just remove that intro for now. Let players get into the game quicker for the purposes of feedback.


Hi! Thank you for not giving up xD I will take all of this into consideration, I was thinking of adding a kind of sword maybe a Star Wars like lightsaber because I feel like the punch alone is a bit short when fighting bigger enemies. The first screen is something that needs more work because initially the dialogue were inside the HUD, that is why it still hides the cursor and the options are played with special keys. Thank you for all your recommendations I really appreciate that! Now I will hunt that bug so people don't get send into the abyss xD


I should have the VOD up in a day or two. I just need to edit a previous stream VOD (which wasn't for FQ5) before I can get yesterday's up.

I always want to ensure I'm giving some sort of valuable feedback.

Thanks I will be waiting for it!