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I enjoyed this one for the quick movements across the level and the different ways of traversing the space. Of course the first thing I tried was whether I could walk on the spikes (you cannot).

The palette was extra tasty in its cool mint-blue, and the Stussy S was a real nice touch for the environment/world building of back alleys, parks and school yards.

I was really shocked when I got crushed between two moving platforms (in a pleasant way). It felt like every angle of the physics had been thought out. This game is a challenge from a maker's perspective and I felt like the team rose nicely to the challenge.

I think going forward I'd like to see a simple Mario 1-1 level where the user is shown the controls, and maybe some more checkpoints for the places where you can snakes-and-ladders fall right down the level.

All in all, a very solid entry.


Thanks for the kind words and feedback!

This might be a noob question, but what is 'Stussy S'?  Is it that 'S' symbol that all the cool kids drew in school?

Yes, precisely!