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I like the graphics, and the horde of enemies following you is pretty awesome!

But I think I'm missing something. Probably just me being dense. Do you actively collect scrap? Or does it just happen as you fly around? My meter does go up and fill eventually, but I don't know why. I expected to have to find some scrap material that I could see.

Do my weapons actually do any damage? I played through a few rounds of upgrading and never saw visible signs that my weapons actually hurt the enemies. Or maybe they are collecting scrap somehow?

The game seems solid and flying around is fun. I feel like maybe I'm missing a key little bit of information will make it all make sense to me.

(2 edits) (+1)

You get scrap by killing enemies. They drop a scrap part wich flies torwards you and fills up your meter when you collect it. I should have made it more clear. And for the damage: Your damage decreases when you add more bullets.

ah, thank you!

I got confused at first by the scrap flying towards the ship, since I thought it was enemy bullets haha