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Hey, something that may help, both prove that it's not your fault or in the event that it is, help locate the exact issue, is to update your error reporting to include some of the stacktrace, it's not something that will make any sense to the end user, but when they report errors it can be an absolute confirmation that it's not a development error, or provide you the exact location of the issue when it is a development error.

I don't know what logging framework you utilise, but most of the standard ones allow stacktrace reporting when a fatal error occurs. This would cover your bases & make the debugging process much easier on you.

Sorry if you already knew that, best of luck with your game.

(1 edit)

The game already has a logging framework that outputs a crash log. Whatever issue this is it happens before it even initializes. From past experiences, this happens because of something being outdated, making it unable to parse the javascript code.

The largest issue is that the bug is absolutely not reproducible on my side and is only encountered by a small percentage of players and most of the time driver updates or similar have resolved it.

I have hard modified the top level rpgmaker error logging method to output more details. Usually this shouldn't be modified but perhaps it gives some insight on what's going on here.

If you're putting that in the next version, I'll test it and get back to you. Thank you.