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I fixed it!

I deleted the code snippet around line 700 in fossil.js, they were about the animation.

What prompted my decision came from the comment: //we can't just grab the animation duration in RMMZ the way we do in RMMV

//because effekseer doesn't let us just grab animation.frames.length

//so we have this horrible hack where we check for the last sound or the end

//of the last flash instead.

//if you want to extend an animation,

//just set a flash of duration 1 frame at the end point

Although I know fossil.js allows adding code snippets, thus fixing the problem.

But I'm not familiar with it and I'd appreciate it if you would tell me how to do it.

I am not the developer of Fossil.

If you would like to know more about JavaScript I can link you a YouTube tutorial?

I haven't done any true work with or for fossil.