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I unfortunately am not able to rate your game as I played it before it got to my queue but this is absolutely incredible. Easily one of the most fun games I've played so far in this jam. I hope it lands in my queue soon so I can give you the rating you deserve.


Thank you for the kind words! Yeah I didn't know about the queue thing and I played a bunch of games before the queue started. Almost done going through my queue, your game hasn't popped up yet, even though I feel like I am chasing you through all the comments across all the games in the jam. haha.

I hope it wasn't too difficult to figure out how to play. I only got to playtest it with some other people a few hours before the jam ended and I wish I had added a separate tutorial to show how to interact with the robots and detective. I wound up trying to throw in text hints where I could, but most people skip the text ;)

I think it was pretty easy to understand in it's current state honestly! The only thing that I had to have explained to me was that I could use the gestures to find the delayed robots, but other than that, it was pretty comprehensible as is :)