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Wow really solid and fun experience! I wish my archers would revive after each round but... yeah it was challenging but not an unfair challenging, great balance and easy to understand! If I were to make one suggestion would be that if you can zoom out, you should see the enemies coming in from the edges of the map, that way you can kind of anticipate where to place your archers, and I would love for some of the enemies to drop some wood during the match so you could potentially fix up some of the walls while playing as well. Very polished!

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.  Reviving the archers every round was something I considered, but I felt it would give the player no reason to protect them.  You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out during gameplay.


Yeah I did zoom out, I meant that the enemies were still spawning from the middle of the map even when zoomed all the way out. If you got to name the archers I would feel a bit more protective of them. "Oh no... Dani died!"