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Deleted 263 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for replying- and I didn’t mean to criticise you but only highlighted how it looks when you post a delay on the scheduled release date. I completely understand that time management and creativity are not always easy to balance. I am also a huge admirer of your work and I have enjoyed your previous games- your work is excellent and speaks for itself! And thank you for saying that you’ll be regular in posting updates on progress- that would help us all understand the process better and make the wait easier! I am perfectly happy to wait for a month, or even longer, for something so amazing to be completed, just as long as you keep us informed :) 


Oops, I didn't refresh the page to see your comment before removing and posting the reply again T.T

Thank you for your response, and I appreciate your understanding I highly value your positive feedback about my work and previous games <3. Support and encouragement from supporters like you are precious. :D

I am committed to providing regular updates on the progress and development of the project so that you and the community can have a better understanding of the process, making the waiting easier. Thank you once again for your understanding and support! ARD88 <3 <3 <3