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Really interesting concept! I really like having to think on my feet. It took me a while to understand what was happening, but I got a hold of it by my second attempt. Also at first, I encountered quite a few enemies, but at some point, they just disappeared, and I was just walking in circles. Idk if that's a bug or not.  Now for some pedantry: The "In a Song" diversifier is done really well, and so was "Two Buttons" (even though you have to use ESC to pause and quit 😉). In my opinion "Shapely" is the one where you've taken it slightly too far, as you just have regular assets, that are stylized to look like shapes. Like you said this isn't at all a big deal, and your game is really good regardless! Awesome job!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey thanks for the feedback. The enemies are always there just not always in your area. I am interested by what you mean about the shapely diversifier. So the characters for example are built on a boned mesh with no artwork attached. The circles are then all moving in space with the bones, but they are all individual circular assets, there is no shader in play. Just unshaded flat circles. Do you think that does not count? Curious rather than combatitive. I wanted to do something brave with it, but I think I've stuck to the rules on the page. In truth it was a total pain to work out and design.

No, I am not saying it doesn't count. As I said the rules are quite flexible. My point is that when you deconstruct any artwork it is ultimately made of simple shapes. Any mesh for example is made of triangles, right? But that obviously doesn't really count as using only simple shapes. I think in a similar way you are constructing more complex shapes from simple shapes. That could also of course be said for my game as it uses curves and even fonts and whatnot. Of course, what you've made is incredibly awesome and super impressive, and I don't even know where to begin if I were to recreate it. I am just being pedantic, to mess with you 😁.

The question is: would you even want too? Lol. It's pretty expensive compared to a mesh and it 100% did my head in


It might be expensive but it is quite a cool style. I could see a full on game that uses it.