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(2 edits) (+1)

Quite a decent game so far. Maybe a bit more convience in terms of movement on the ship would be possible? Like you can't access cargo or sleep from the lower level. Maybe just change the minimap to show both levels, so you can skip a few clicks and see where everybody is at once. Being able to pick missions from the bridge/travel mode might also be a nice QoL. I also though the space combat was mostly good and very doable, but fighting 2 or 3 of those krell ships is a pain, even fully upgraded and equiped with 6 of the best torpedo's. Perhaps more AP, with less AP cost for normal weapon (so you can deal with the drones better), and extra AP cost for torpedo. Or maybe just reduce the number, damage or speed of the spawned drones.

(1 edit)

Some QoL issues will come with V1.00.

For example turbolift hotkeys for the three ship decks. So "T-1-C" will from everywhere jump via turbolift to deck 1 and go to cargo manager etc.

Regarding the fights there are two "factions" of players. One is having trouble with the Krell seekers, the other telling me fights are too easy :)

A tactic that works nicely agains Krell
- Do not try to waste movements escaping the seekers (just eat them)
- When a seeker is spawned next to a Krell, take out the seeker and the Krell with a single Torpedo
- Never attack a seeker on top of a Krell, as it will deflect damage from the Ship under it
- with your last move hide behind cover!