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Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 5! It's nice to meet you! My name's Hythrain. I'm part of the FQ team and a hobbystreamer. I'm writing this review live after having played your game.

Before I get into this, I want to note that I try to write this in order of what I experienced (with context of me being done playing, mind you), though sometimes this can get thrown off.

First, since I don't pay attention to the genres or screenshots of the game, only if I'm able to play it direct from my PC or if I have to be in browser, I was surprised to see this was a Renpy made visual novel. Something in my head told me this would have combat elements, so I wasn't expecting Renpy visual novel in the least.

As I began to progress through the story, I found myself utterly fascinated with what was going on. From a supercreator to numerous creators of mortals with there being intense politics between them, to this fool of an archangel who forgot his dang job and instead fell in love with a human to the prologue ending as I expected with a dead human, the more I learned the more I wanted it to keep going.

Then it got to the part I was waiting for: a fight. As I was fighting the dragon, two things went through my head:


2. I'm... surprised something like this works in a Renpy visual novel.

After beating the dragon and feeling proud of myself, I continued on until the prologue's end. I immediately felt sadness upon its end. However, after this came the part of me scoring your game, and here I realized some issues that I felt should be addressed.

1. While obviously the majority of the artwork and UI you are getting as something free, I do note the character icons and how they simply... don't match with anything else. I would love to see these sharing in the same style of art for consistency's sake.

2. The dragon fight had a lot of things about it that I hope can be done better in Renpy. For starters, the icons for various things. The abilities, the icons for saying how many actions you have left, the HP and MP meters, and even the number of turns thing all felt weird in their placement and appearance. The action icons don't visually match anything else, the text for HP and MP reads weird in comparison to the vials, which don't pop out enough. However, more than that would be to remove the need to click on the character head and instead have the abilities pop up on their own. I do realize you could end up having multiple playable characters which is why you have this, but I would say that if you do plan that, each should have their own number of actions and just go in a turn order. When one unit is finished their turn, it automatically goes to the next. Similarly, once you've used all your actions, the turn should end automatically. Also, yes, the artwork here should also match. The dragon being different is ok, so long as it's only enemies that look like this.

In short, it was the combat UI and the mismatched artwork that I ultimately felt needed improvement. Everything else is great, though! I can't wait to see more!

Thank you for leaving such a detailed review.

  1. For your first question If a soldier is on his deathbed and the dragon attacks the soldier again he dies instantly.
  2. I used test tube-looking icons for HP and MP bars as I thought they would look good as this game will have more dungeon crawler mechanics in the future. So, is the whole test tube thing weird or are colors not differentiable?
  3. And yes there will be more playable characters (as a party) in the future that is why I took a turn-based combat approach.
  4. For the Battle UI part, I made a tutorial explaining what every UI icon is, was it clear enough for you?

1. So I had times where nobody was on their deathbed, yet someone would permanently die. I don't think this was intended if a soldier needs to be on their deathbed first.

2. For me, the problem was how the colours blend a bit with the background. On top of this, the text can be hard to see.

3. When you have these future playables, will each have their own set of turns for actions or will it be three actions across all characters? If the former, you could potentially remove the character select and just go through the characters in order. If the latter, that does make more sense for your design.

4. It was, but I also know players can forget all details. For example, I forgot the last skill for reviving soldiers took my life away.