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(1 edit)

[My story]
Start game dev/indie dev for near 3 years now, I have never been in the industry. All of my skills are self-taught.
This is my 8th GameJam I think...And I still very enjoy being in a Jam...I always inspired by the games and the title of a jam. Actually, I continue developing one of my Gamejam game and put it on Steam. Now it is the only income of mine. BTW, if you are interested, the game names "LoveChoice".

I think my game can be not fun at all but at least they should be meaningful and not wasting the players' time. I am quite happy about the game I make this time.

[My game]

Play it and rate it if you will.

Interesting game there! 8th jam you say? that's awesome. I'm looking forward to your future projects for sure