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Oh well, got like 23 eggs, went left to looj at the final boss.
and likely cant return anymore.
so no perfect score for me :-/
Also boss is hard, making and beating his final form at least is

(6 edits)

Nah, you can return to the main area and keep looking for lost eggs after you head left to the final boss section of the game. Just head back or kill yourself to spawn back at the checkpoint in the main area.  As long as you don't reach the final checkpoint right before the actual Boss fight, you can keep looking. But it's a great first effort. It's not typical to find them all on a first playthrough, it's an optional challenge to give a little replay value.

The game has an inbuilt timer and shows your time at the end, so you can always replay for a 100% speedrun ;)

Or try hard mode. That is some pretty intense platforming!

"As long as you don't reach the final checkpoint right before the actual Boss fight"

Well, about that... :-(