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Gumpy Function

A member registered May 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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I had started it in 3.0 as that was out when we started the project. We migrated it to 3.2 to get some more features (like simultaneous timer scripts for example.)

I would have been keen to migrate to GBS 4 when that came out but we were so far into the project that the amount of work to successfully migrate it and complete the game before deadline was just too risky.

This is why I created the option to turn off all cutscenes when you start a new game. That options also skips all the dialogue in the levels so player can get straight into it. Also, I didn't put any dialogue in at the start of the first level (the tutorial scene) to mitigate this.

So yes, I agree with you and would normally truncate story cutscenes to get the player playing asap as I have done in my other platformers. But when it's a game about a Comedian that ties in with his stand up special, its going to end up with more written jokes sprinkled throughout the game than normal. 

Tommy edited and tightened up a whole bunch of the script towards the end of development to reduce the time spent reading words instead of playing the game, but the cutscenes and dialogue are also very important to the overall experience since its a game about a Comedian.

For sure, bud. I'll write up an article on the platformer + player move-set 100%

Ill contact them now and make sure you get it asap. Thanks heaps for your patience.

Hey thanks! Kompy's Castle is much requested ha. Could be my next one if I decide to port BMO to the current GB Studio ;)

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Hey, thanks! If you're into platformers, there is Feed IT Souls and Tomato Face, they are both single session experiences since they are jam games.

If you like puzzles then there is Unearthed. That came out very recently and is a full GB/GBC title. Or there is Dicee! I made Dicee! For my wife as a gift since she can't get enough of yahtzee, so that's recommended if you like the sound of a chill dice game with lots of replayability. There is also In The Dark 2 - although just the demo is available currently.

Then there are my fan games. The simpsons ones are a little experimental but if you're a fan of the Simpsons then absolutely have a go at them. (Speaking of, I am currently creating a new version of Lee Carvallos Putting Challenge 2 in full color this time - so watch our for that).


My pleasure, enjoy!

Hey there, this is a game crash. Do you remember what you were doing and in what level/screen you were when this occurred? Cheers

Thanks so much! So glad to hear it :)

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Thank you Tronimal for releasing your SFX packs for free! I ended up using a bunch of them to help me complete a commission on time and I'm so grateful they were there to support my own work.

I'll donate to you every time I use them. Thanks again!

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Sorry about that. I have fixed this bug, fixed some more and polished some design elements post release. After some more quality assurance testing, version 1.1 will be good to go. Likely out by the end of the week.

In the meantime, refreshing your browser or resetting the Game Boy ROM will allow you to continue the game from your last auto-save at the beginning of that level. Apologies I didn't catch this before the deadline, thanks for the bug report.

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Cheers, I'll squash that bug for the v1.1 update. Refreshing your browser or resetting the Game Boy ROM will allow you to continue the game from your last auto-save at the beginning of that level until then. Sorry I didn't catch it before the release. Thanks for pointing it out.

Thanks. Yep, my brother pointed that out to me a couple of hours after we released the game, haha. I'll fix that up for a v1.1 update. Welcome to itch ;)

Thank you! When I get some free time, I would be happy to make a dev log and go through how some of the move set was created using the Platformer Plus plugin by Hauntology in GB Studio 3.2.

Thanks! It is a GBC game btw, you can download the ROM free and play through an emulator or hardware, too ;)

Thanks for the video and the reports. The ground pound bug is known. The others ill fix in an update to be released in less than week. Thanks again.

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Yep, LRGs cart won't be the GBC exclusive type as seen in the promo images. The game is 100% compatible with the DMG and will be shipped with the DMG notched cart to suit both original Game Boy and the GBC.

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Thanks heaps for the bug report. I will be working on a v1.1 update over the next week to squash some more bugs we couldn't fix before the deadline.

The game auto-saves at the end of levels, even in the browser version. So reloading the page or resetting your emulator if you are using the ROM should allow you to continue your game 

Thanks again!

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LRG will be sending a digital ROM to purchasers of the physical edition once pre-orders close (on the 25th of August)

Possibly. We have made no plans beyond this physical release at this stage.

Pre-orders of the physicals should come with a digital version. Ben and I will confirm this with LRG asap and get back to you.

Thank you very much

Hey there. I have broken down some of the code needed to implement dice in my recent GBSC article. There is a link to GBSC in my itch profile. The GBS discord is a great resource when needing help. 

Thanks so much for taling the time to make a video on Dicee! ❤️

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Thank you, I might give it an update soon to polish up the Guardians of Sunshine game and add some more easter eggs, too.

Yeah, its important. Pleasure!

Hey, z is the A button, x is B button

Great game feel in Block Droppin. Really well done!

Thanks! Its quite a simple game but milking the game juice out of every moment I could was a fun design challenge.

Cheers bud, I'll have a play around with that and see whats best. I'll also add a snap to roll on B press so you dont have to cycle through the dice for a re-roll in the next update.

its an 8bit cover of "Music for a found Harmonium" by Penguin Cafe Orchestra. Beatscribe did a great job with the cover.

Congratulations on achieveing 5th place in the compo Bard. The changes look great. Good luck with the ongoing development. 

Thanks heaps for the bug report. I'll take a look at this and release an update with some bug fixes soon.

Cheers. Its just the tutorial for now. I will likely get a coder to help me set the battle system up properly before continuing. The final demo will have a lot more content including a few actual fights beyond the simple proof of concept tutorial fight. 

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Thanks Eric. Very observant :) I plan to explore some pretty intense themes with it, yep.

Thank you!

Thank you so much :)

Thanks so much. Glad to hear you're a fan!

No, it won't run on DMG or the pocket. Only the GBC.

The browser version is the GBC ROM packaged in an emulator. You can download a Game Boy Color emulator for your phone and run the downloadable ROM through that, though 👍