The atmosphere really captivated me, I really liked how the graphics were designed and arranged, along with the lighting which, in my opinion, was excellent. The visual effects also pleased me a lot. Since this is your first horror game, you did a great job. I'm not an expert in the genre, I've only made one horror game in my life, but based on my limited experience and exposure to other games in the genre, I strongly believe that one of the key factors for success in this genre is sound effects. I understand perfectly that there wasn't enough time to implement them, but as you continue the project, my main tip is to use sound effects for as many objects as possible, but also work with silence during moments of tension. For example, let's say there's a fallen leaf on the floor of a room and it's complete silence (or the sound of rain or wind in the background). You're walking and step on the leaf, making a sound of a crumpled and crushed leaf. This would be terrifying within the context of the game because, even though we know it will make a noise, we are almost never prepared for it, and our senses will be much more heightened in order to identify other sounds that may represent danger. Another important factor is the story. I believe you can add a storyline with clues and details about the reason the ghost is there, how it came to be, and give the player small hints and always indicate how dangerous that ghost is. This will make the player alert and attentive because they know the danger they are facing. The character's movement is also a point that needs extra attention, as previously mentioned, they are sliding quite a bit. For your first horror game, it was an excellent job. Congratulations on the project, and I wish you great success in its development!