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I managed to get the Mind trophy. Thanks for that. Not sure if any benefits but my inner completionist is thankful. 

And I figured out the Shack problem....I didn't have the trowel. 

On a different note, where's this holding between the south and North Forest? I got that writ after the first workload with Pheobe but looked and couldn't find it. Or is that something for later?

You're welcome!

That Hold is kinda like the love shack in that there's a point where you can hit the edge of the map in the wilds where you weren't supposed to be able to so I made it go somewhere instead of fixing it. There's a yellow flower path pointing it out that gets super obvious during the Grow.

I managed to find it from the advice. I had actually checked the whole part except that one spot.....a bit embarrassing. 

Did find a bug. When you leave the servants house with Alice in second freeze and she asks to do the snow angel, saying yes, she is still following you while also being an angel. 

I'm still confused what weight rolls do.

And for the extra objectives still trying to find Ivy's and Lalita's......and Kala, but I know I'll miss her because of an previous responce to another. They aren't as easy to find as Auda for example.

Sure enough. Fixed for v0.13 so Alice can't duplicate herself.

Weighted rolls affect random events, mostly around the Estate. For example, the Folk nomad camps will appear more often, and Willow's extra scene (if you have the Dark Mark and go upstairs) is guaranteed to trigger instead of being a 1 in 5 chance.

For the extra events - Lalita's isn't that unusual in how you complete it. Just to save you from wasting time looking, it's within the mansion. Ivy's is a little different in that you have to bring someone to her instead of the other way around.

Thanks. I managed to find them. The problem was I had did interaction before doing another character's event. Have to wait for next Freeze for Kala.

Is the Druid located in that ruined house with plants? Or somewhere I've previously been?

I did the extra event for Bianca and the threesome event has not happened after the freeze. Did I miss something?

And were there any trophies after the recent Freeze 2 with white suit for update 11?

You're welcome!

That's one, yes. There are 4 druids, they're only around during the Grow, and that one in the house with all the plant growth is the easiest to find. The rest are all pretty well hidden, and finding them all gives you a trophy.

You're probably missing something. I can't remember everything, but I know that event requires at least one trophy before the circle is active, and I know it worked when I tested it.

And yes, there's a trophy for the druids, a trophy for the tiny spiders (though you can't find enough to get it yet), and another trophy in v0.12. I'll be updating the FAQ on the dev blog with that info soonish.

Well the only trophy pre-vol 11 (as the spider/druid ones aren't in the codex) I don't have is the Griselda one. Maybe it's that trophy? I would've presumed it's the succubus one but since completing the second Freeze I tried to talk to her in the trophy room and she doesn't appear. A bug maybe?

And I found the deep forest and coast Druid. Still trying to find the last one. Although is there a reason they are called Druids and not Dryads.

And the explanation from one does now indicate why I've seen little in animals. Although I hope to get more for the estate eventually. 

Now that I have a moment to check - there is a bug with the circle. Fixed for v0.13. Sorry about that.

That last druid is definitely tricky to find. Though the secret area she's in has been in the game for a handful of versions now.

Druids are a type of person, typically a sort of religious leader (despite the D&D stereotype that I'm obviously leaning on here). Dryads are a type of spirit (and also Greek, and the mythology I typically look to for MnM is Celtic). As an extra tidbit, though this is mentioned within the game, things like spirits and faeries haven't been seen in the world of the game since before Masters became a thing.

And there are more Estate pets planned. At least one in particular, but I don't know when that'll get implemented.

The last Druid is really tricky. Went through all the older maps and couldn't find her. Even the volcano one, which is unlikely.

And hooray for more estate pets. Wonder if it will be more farm animals or normal pets, more unique pets like Lions, Moose or Kangaroos if any exist still, or mythical animals like Bicorns, dragons or Chimera.

It's very tricky. I'll say she's in one of the forest region wilds, but since it's still fairly new (the trophy, at least - you could get to the altar before the remaster), I'm gonna be stingy and not give any more hints than that for now.