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1- at the moment, characters will have their own unique player driven tf's. this is primarily a way to keep things simpler, but it also helps us maintain a good variety. as the game goes on, that may change, but for now, we want to focus on tfs that each character will have a specifically strong or interesting reaction too. as for doubling up on a transformation, it may become possible in the near future depending on the feedback we get, and what our patreon supporters choose to prioritize! 

2- lewis and lois will and already have unique content. gendered monarchies are apart of this games premise and plot, and so changing genders is always going to have a big plot impact. this will naturally lock certain content to either gender, for example, Lois's spy tf in the current release is exclusive to her female form. 

3- we will be updating monthly! patrons will have access to updates a month early (the next update is already over there in fact), but it will arrive here shortly at the start of each month!