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Hey, enjoyed playing this first chapter, already can see a good amount of work and a concept forming. Tough that also makes me want to ask some stuff to help my expectations for the future.

1 - Will every character get the same kind of kink transformations and will it be a one and done type? Akarion can gain weight but even tough i could do it more times, he stayed the same, just repeating the same sentence over and over. Will he have more stages for the future and will this kink be possible for other characters or even ourselves?

2 - What are your plans as for content between Lewis and Lois? I have seen some other transformations focused games where the female part got some locked content i could never get as a male. Will both paths be viable to inflict or suffer some transformations?

3 - Will you be updating it monthly and releasing the previous version here? It seems a popular and effective method and if so i will be on the lookout to see how your game grows.

Sorry for the wall of text but your project got me curious. Best of luck for the future!


1- at the moment, characters will have their own unique player driven tf's. this is primarily a way to keep things simpler, but it also helps us maintain a good variety. as the game goes on, that may change, but for now, we want to focus on tfs that each character will have a specifically strong or interesting reaction too. as for doubling up on a transformation, it may become possible in the near future depending on the feedback we get, and what our patreon supporters choose to prioritize! 

2- lewis and lois will and already have unique content. gendered monarchies are apart of this games premise and plot, and so changing genders is always going to have a big plot impact. this will naturally lock certain content to either gender, for example, Lois's spy tf in the current release is exclusive to her female form. 

3- we will be updating monthly! patrons will have access to updates a month early (the next update is already over there in fact), but it will arrive here shortly at the start of each month!