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Also the thing u wrote

(1 edit)

U still can't fight saru if u pro?


shiver me timbers

I saw your channel, nice video's ☺️

blud thinks he's a funny comedian

bro just do a screenshot



bruh this guy only hates me cuz I told him to kill me at least ONCE in a game (and he failed) 💀

Nah BC I was asking for a 2v1 and u siad I would ( pee my pants) so you didn't fight me

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ur literally jumping into the middle of our argument rn 0-0  it started because u were trying to act cool. i asked u not to kill me cuz i was showing someone something in the map and u literally sat outside of my spawn to kill me so I challenged u :/

wait ur the guy that hate me?



shadow blackmill lol