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(1 edit) (+2)

This is definitely the best set of rules that I have seen so far for an osr/nsr rpg that also integrates a framework for solo gaming. Without a doubt going to be my solo rpg of choice for quite some time since this game fundamentally contains rules from some modern osr/nsr rule sets that I love (Such as abstract distance) with all of the fundamental procedures you need to solo this type of game (especially dungeon generation).

As far as feedback, if possible, I probably would add maybe one more page for the wilderness section that would contain some expanded examples for the discovery’s you can find. That being said, this is pretty much just a nitpick since, for example, if I needed a specific landmark, I can roll for that in one of the games you mentioned as attributions (such as maze rats or the upcoming knave 2e). This would also give you that nice two page spread to make it consistent with some of the other sections in the book.

Hope more fans of solo gaming discover this game so that it gets the attention it deserves.


Hi there, thank you very much for your kind words and feedback!

I do agree that the wilderness section could be fleshed out slightly - my goal is to try and include everything needed to run a solo game, all in one book. Plus you are definitely right about the two page spread layout. 

I am conscious of not making tables too prescriptive, as I find that tends to hamper imagination, however I totally get that others may feel differently. As you say, I think expanding the wilderness discovery table one level deeper (similar to the dungeon discovery table) will be a step in the right direction, without overdoing it.

After seeing the recent Dolmenwood PDF, I was also thinking that I could add a table or two expanding on foraging in the wilderness too, such as example plants and herbs (e.g. edible, inedible/poisonous). I'll have a play around and see what looks good. I do need to be careful, as I want to give people the tools to easily create their own game worlds, rather than force feed them made up plant names from my own setting :)

Thank you again for your comment - collaboration is key to creating the best product!