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Hi there, thank you very much for your kind words and feedback!

I do agree that the wilderness section could be fleshed out slightly - my goal is to try and include everything needed to run a solo game, all in one book. Plus you are definitely right about the two page spread layout. 

I am conscious of not making tables too prescriptive, as I find that tends to hamper imagination, however I totally get that others may feel differently. As you say, I think expanding the wilderness discovery table one level deeper (similar to the dungeon discovery table) will be a step in the right direction, without overdoing it.

After seeing the recent Dolmenwood PDF, I was also thinking that I could add a table or two expanding on foraging in the wilderness too, such as example plants and herbs (e.g. edible, inedible/poisonous). I'll have a play around and see what looks good. I do need to be careful, as I want to give people the tools to easily create their own game worlds, rather than force feed them made up plant names from my own setting :)

Thank you again for your comment - collaboration is key to creating the best product!