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i'm at act 2, right before the fight with frozen heart, at level 10 i think. i recruited Billy and Sarah in act 1, now i'm with Sarah. I have 1 key. I played a good person i think - saving fish and rabbits and tried to choose good answers in dialogs.

I will hook you up then. Is the key you have the one from the Crowlady after the house? 

i think i just found it somewhere... i don't rememeber:((

I will just give you all the keys, it should not break anything, so dont be surprised when you have doubles ;)

I am uploading your build now, will take a few minutes, then I will send you a link here we go , talk to the tvman and let me know if something does not work.

thank you sm<3


No prob, hope you like the rest of the game and that everything works!

it works but now i don't have any items except for weapon:( 


If you speak to the tvguy next to where you spawned he will give you cards and moods and some dollars so you can refill your inventory a bit.


He also gives you the keys and you can activate some triggers, so dont miss him.