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Hi there!

Can you share with me the plugin commands(screenshots) you used to show that picture and apply the breath effect to it? So I can reproduce the problem and try to fix it! If you tell me the size of the image you used, will also help! ^^

(1 edit)

I played with it for a few minutes this morning and figured it out: When using the "Show Full Picture" command, the Main Settings have an option to choose the Origin / Anchor point for the image, and I think I started out using "Center." Using the default "UpperLeft" will display the image correctly, but it seems that the Breath effect does not acknowledge the image offsets that are caused by the other choices; As soon as the effect is applied, the image will snap back to the position that corresponds to using the default "UpperLeft" anchor point. The floating and shaking effects don't have that issue, just the breathing effect.


Hmm!! Rhanks for that info! Will play with it to see what I can do here to fix this!