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(1 edit)

Hello Pervertee!! I have a question about the game's save system...

I recently completed the 1ª part of the game and was about to start the 2ª, but I'm having doubts about the save from the previous game. So how should I proceed? Do I just need to download the new version with the 1st already installed on the PC or do I need to do something else before I can continue playing? I'm afraid this may cause some error in the game, I would be very grateful if you could answer with some tutorial if possible.

Thank you in advance for your hard work!👍!


Hey there,

Your saved games should be separate from the game's install directory. So you can just download Season 2, unpack it and run the game. If you click "Continue" you should be able to load the Season 1 data and play the remaining episodes.

Hope that helps!