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(4 edits) (+1)

I feel the moving isn't too smooth. When the ant stands at the edge, the visual will be broken! 
Also, (Personally) The move up is really frustrating, I think you can use A or D instead of W and S for climbing. And I dont understand why when I hold W and D then space to jump, the ant just jump very shortly and fall to the spike(?). And adding some save points  is also great(or it already has but I havent reached there)! 
Aside from that, this game really did well in Ant movement :D, the graphic and sound are completely fit too! But maybe add somethings to do with the leaf, like just holding it and moving to the nest is a big waste to the potential of this game!!! 


Yooo thanks for the feedback :)

I also thought about what would be more intuitive for the climbing, if A and D, or W and S, or both (I guess it is a matter of playtesting with a lot of people), I went with the W and S option, so it was easier for me to use A and D for fall out of the walls on purpose without extra coding, a bit of laziness there 😆

About jumping very shortly when holding W and D, I didn't notice you are right, I see now the ant walks slower when holding W and D over holding only D, so when jumping the horizontal length of the jump is less (the jump height seems the same though)

I think it is because I used the new unity input system so (in my unexperienced opinion 😅) it seems to be optimized more for a top-down type of movement like when using a joystick, if you hold D the horizontal velocity is 1, but if you hold W and D the horizontal and vertical velocity are around 0.70~, which I think is the reason the ant walk slower when holding 2 buttons (I think that wouldn't happen in a 2D top-down game or a movement in a 3D space

About the save points you are totally right, I'll be working on implementing some checkpoints 😆
We also wanted to do more with the leaf but our inexperience and the time restriction were bigger issues this time 😅  

I'm glad you liked the game and found those details, thank you for playing! :D