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thank you for making that great game!

What I meant was that I made my own fish oraclepedia while waiting for the official one and it filled with cute fish and water creature, like the butterfly cuddlefish, the singing eels, the sea serpent with wings of silver laces, the pink glowing puff fish, the rock fish that walk the bottom of lake with small feet instead of fins and others cute creature. 

I was also wondering about raw material for crafting, do I need to go forage for them? Or they are provided in the workshop ? If I need to forage for them, it could take months before I could find some material if I am unlucky. But if everything is provided, then it is not much of a challenge. How do this work?

Thanks a bunch for the shout-out – we’re stoked that you’re digging the game! Your fish oraclepedia project sounds like a blast – I mean, who wouldn’t love butterfly cuddlefish and singing eels, right? And that sea serpent with wings of silver laces? Epic.

You’ve got a good point about the raw materials thing. We totally get that it’s a bit of a slow burn, and yeah, foraging and growing stuff can take its sweet time.

You can try using the Barter Action under 2. Hangout. Engaging in trade can be a fascinating way to acquire the materials you need. To explore this, you could initiate a conversation with fellow islanders, inquire about available trade items, and proceed with the rest of the barter action.