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To clear the air, Pelican Party does indeed care about the game, and I can assure you they are trying their hardest to address and fix this issues as soon a they can..

Every time they see one of these comments stating "pElIcAn, WhY nO cArE bOut uS?!?!??11?1!1?", it probably breaks their heart, and they are disappointed and discouraged a bit.

It will be fixed, we just all need a little patience.

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I just want him to teel us a perfect time when these issues will fix

It's hard to estimate something like that!

approximate time ?

Well, now it's fixed.

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yes I know I said it for future 

and today is future 😂 😂  game crashed again (don't take it seriously 😊)

we know

yes I know that u know 😊bro  i said it to havoc btw 




And you know this because you've worked on a game before?





You are right





sometimes I feel like it’s not the devs that hate the player(it was never), but the players that hate the devs. If the servers crash u just have to wait. The devs offers y’all a FREE BROWSER MULTIPLAYER SHOOTER GAME WITH ORIGINAL IDEA AND THAT LISTEN TO HIS COMMUNITY. 
So for ppl like N1 mother, who say devs don’t care about us, I think we all know it’s not the case. 

Of course!