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very enjoyable! Great art style and animation, cool little world. A couple things that would really take it to the next level

  • A map. Please!
  • When you get an item, please explain what it does and what button to press. Also when you hover the mouse over it in the menu, show that info 
  • The jump animation feels a little choppy. Mostly near the end, when you land. It seems to jump around and needs some in-between frames to smooth it out, it looks a little jumpy
  • Controller support

overall, one of my favorites from the super Metroidvania jam

Agreed about that map, it would have for sure been helpful.  On the top of my list was a popup window explaining how to use the ability you got.  If I had one more day it would have been the thing I added but alas, with jams there is never enough time.

Glad you enjoyed it!

gotcha. Are you gonna make a post-jam version?

The team plans to make something after.  It will be at least partly related to what was made here, albeit in Godot.

awesome, I bet it’ll be top notch 

Hopefully! <3


Can I add to that list with "show controls in the pause menu" and "add a save feature"?


Of course!  Saving was on the list of things to do but was painfully dropped on the last day we were able to work.  Showing controls in the pause menu would have been a much helpful addition I'd very much agree.

Thanks for checking the game out.