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A member registered Jun 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Why can't I reply to you?

They never said that this game is hard, just "less agonizing".

Bro ☠️

Oh brother, this guy STINKS!

I hate that Tic-Tac-Toe kid for ruining my runs!

So was the entire account!

I can't talk to the pink flower on the far left because there's an invisible wall. How do I get there?

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Me: Doesn't kill a single skeleton


Somebody stole this game. Can you take it down, please?

I found somebody who stole this game!

How do I get pass the pyramid in the desert? The puzzle hints/solutions doc doesn't mention it.

Protip: you could put the patch notes in your development logs instead of the comments!

Windows - 64 Bit

Oh, I didn't notice that I could walk there!

aw shucks

The comments: What's going on with this game?


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I completely expected the debris to give more than one extra hit per debris collected.

Fun game, though.

(3 edits)

I found a softlock that could be caused by talking to the guy in front of this building facing this direction. I think a good fix would be moving the NPC to the very right.

In addition, I think I found the music producer? But he only talks about his daughter. If that wasn't him, then I still couldn't find him!

UPDATE: It wasn't him. He just so happened to share the same sprite as the guy I'm looking for. Are you sure you added a event to add the producer to the beach section?

Why is this marked as adult? There seems to be no sexual and/or gory content here.

BUG: While the first time I played the game always gave me one peach, on replays, the first peach somehow counts as 2, 5, even 8 peaches!

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Same here! I even adjusted some of the settings!

EDIT: The Windows 32-bit version works fine, but not the 64-bit one.

Thank you very much!

Can somebody help me with this? These are all of the areas I could access right now.

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How do I exit the shop?


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Why is it SO HARD to climb up cliffs with my scaling ability? I have to hold X, Up, AND Left/Right, and even then, I STILL keep falling down, especially on higher cliffs!

EDIT: Oh, I've been doing it wrong the whole time! I quickly realized this after I typed out this whole comment.

Another game replayed, another softlock. It's even during the same part of the game!

And the girl who suddenly transitions into a guy when you talk to her after she passes out as well. Also, I couldn't find the captain/music producer I need to talk to at the beach.

Oh shoot! I forgot to mention the invisible waiter as well!

The window doesn't close by itself automatically.

Wait 'til you get to the second version of Rabi's boss battle!

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I found a bug; when I went from the beach to the shopping district on the second day, the game automatically made me go to the left, softlocking me.

EDIT: this isn't limited to the beach! It's whenever I go to the shopping district on the second day.

I don't have difficulty knowing which buttons to press. I just wanted to now what to do at that screen (which is to wait). Said symbols are also kind of distracting and unnecessary.

Next question: how long do I have to wait for?

So all I need to do is wait?