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A member registered May 15, 2019

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loved this! Basically everything about. Just would’ve liked a map :)

Pretty fun, I liked the art style - especially background and all the weird dithering effects. 

Would’ve been nice to include keyboard prompts. controller didn’t work for me and I just had to trial and error (or at least list them on this page)

also - would’ve been nice to have more use of the abilities. Dash and the gun both felt unnecessary to clear obstacles, only double jump seemed required. So working in more obstacles to the level design will make it feel more Metroidvania - y

had fun nonetheless!

was having a ton of fun, but once I flipped the blue and red switches and it puts all those transparent blue and red tiles all over the screen, it became way too disorienting visually. Really think you should just let those switches make the red and blue dissappear, without any overlay. Would love to play again with less visual confusion!

can you post downloadable versions?

this is like, one of my favorite horror games of all time. The ambience, the frights, everything about it kept me so hooked. I love the house but this is definitely my favorite of all I’ve played 

this is surprisingly polished and fun! Really hope this becomes a full game. Only thing I was really missing is a map

woah, incredible. Just oozed atmosphere. I gotta check out all your other games 

no game uploaded?

frustratingly difficult but very fun. Please keep making Metroidvanias !

ya of course i noticed the coordinates system and manual and think many people would find it super neat. By accessibility, I mean one of those options you can toggle to suit your preference, like easy vs hard, old school (coordinates) vs modern (map). It could be somewhere in the options menu.

I'll definitely replay if you end up adding it

no I just prefer download! 

sooo good. My only preference would be to have an actual Metroid style map, but I get the desire to keep it old school. Would be cool if there was an accessibility option to toggle but, it’s your game!

can you add a download version?

It was honestly pretty perfect. I definitely hit a few walls but always found my way.

for the windows download that is

can you add a full screen menu option? For me it takes up 1/4 of my screen and it’s too small to really see anything 

hm windows version (windows 10) not responding to any input - controller, mouse, or keyboard. Mouse works if it’s in background but when it’s the focused full screen window I can’t get any inputs to work

super fun! Loved how you incorporated both Ori bash and Aeterna Noctis teleport arrow mechanics. Always nice to see a completed MV on here.

I was reallly enjoying it but I’m trapped down at the bunotaurus fight and apparently I can’t damage it? So I’m just stuck dying and have no other option. 

enjoyable! Will you be adding a map? Would love to replay using one

so good, loved the old one too. I couldnt see any fullscreen button in any corner though of web build...  I will wait for a steam version. Any idea when it will release there?

very much enjoyed it. It’s barebones but very well executed. Thank you!

I tried downloading windows version but there’s no .exe !


can you post a downloadable version plz?

can  you post a downloadable version plz?

hello! does this have a map (or plans to add one?)

hello, I was wondering - does this game include a map?

nailed the big pain points!

I would recommend just to keep iterating and refining. Check out the games Islets or Haak, as they have the most perfected player physics in any metroidvania imo. Would be good to study

well, I reallllly liked it. Just wanted it to keep going. 

this could be really great. The environments are top notch, reminds me of bramble: the mountain king. It just feel so alive

but man, the player movement feels super janky. Platforming feels unresponsive, the momentum of the character feels totally out of my control. Getting that player feel perfected is my number one feedback.

I can imagine this game with the right polish being amazing, and it’s a good start so far

totally love it! Great vibe, music, atmosphere

Thank god for retroarch save states though lol, it was pretty unforgiving. Maybe make some checkpoints near the beginning so you don’t have to hear the same opening dialogue when the boss kills you?

also - map seems a little buggy. In the first few rooms, it would show me in the wrong room sometimes or not update properly

Was enjoying it, but those instadeath spikes before you even get a chance to save kept killing it! please add checkpoints

really enjoyed it! all the fundamentals are here. I would've loved a map though

could you post a downloadable version?

Macleay's Spectre community · Created a new topic feedback

Hello! I really enjoyed what you got so far. Here's some thoughts:
1. Please add a map! you have very large sprawling rooms and its very easy to miss spots and get totally lost

2. environment  variety - each room looks very similar, maybe try  making each feel unique

3. Make the attack larger.  Its a very short radius and hard to avoid damage

4. add knockback to attacks - let enemies push back a bit, glow, etc when hit

omg this is sooo cool. Loved it 


is it possible to upload a downloadable version?