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A member registered May 15, 2019

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wow amazing! Super original, polished, fun. Can’t wait to see your future projects 

I’ll wait for special edition then! Didn’t play the old version too long ago so may be good to give my brain a reset for a little longer 

Is the new SAGE upload the full game? Worth checking out if we played the old one?

+1 for the keen interest! I also can't believe I made this post a year ago lol. 

ah, time

will you be expanding on it?

can you post a windows download version?

hey, just tried the new version. I have 1 tinyyy note on the map. Could you possibly label the warp points when you are zoomed in on an area?  Like from Throatia to Limben, label the blue exit with “Limben”? 

It’s much better now but that would still help some confusion 

can you upload a downloadable version? Also does the game have a map (in the game)?

awesome I will follow and wait for it :)

WOOOOOO yay! Gonna start over fresh. Thanks for all the hard work

cool ya, just one guy’s opinion! I think it’s got lots of potential and I’ll definitely be buying it

hey there! Wanted to give some feedback, this is a game that’s been on my Steam wishlist for a while. There’s definitely potential here but a couple things distracted me.

There’s a couple odd things about the game feel. I feel like I’m moving in slow motion. The characters walk, jump, and dash speed all feel like they’re at half speed or something. Combined with the light refractions coming in from the windows, it made me feel kinda woozy and drunk or something.

So ya maybe tighten and speed up the player movement would be my suggestion. Also, will the full game have an actual map you can look at or just the mini map?

freecam map would be great!

awesome! Only thing else I would say is when you are zoomed in to an area, have the exit point to another area be labelled with what area it leads to (like this)

can you please upload a downloadable version for windows?

(1 edit)

yes please! Would love to replay with the map update

Also, please with the map update have a way to see how areas connect ( like a world map you can zoom out to like in metroid)

Is it possible you can add a map???

Was this fixed in the SAGE demo? What changes are there?

nice job! I love how you are basically flying by the end. Very good ingenuity. I think there’s room for some polish with the controls but ya, lots of fun.

This might help.... it's sorted by top rated, all the games i've played. Will be tons and tons to look at if you want recommendations.

played fear of moon and now this tonight, I’ve become an instant fan

yep tons of fun. The skeleton and gameplay are here and I loved it.

There’s some issues I didn’t have in the previous game though.

1. Is pixel art resolution mixing. It is a huge pet peeve of mine, when some pixels are very large and others small and they are not all aligned to the grid. A good example of this is Jrago if you’ve seen that game. I know this is a game jam game but yes it’s just an eye sore for me

2. Level readability. It is a little confusing to differentiate background from foreground, what platforms are available to step on vs not. It’s also a little unclear what is a hazard and what’s not ( a good example is in the first biome that’s green on the map at the beginning, where you have to hit the heart to make all the purple-ish toxic areas disappear. I kept dying and had no clue what was hurting me haha).

But luckily, all my nitpicks are things easily fixed with polish. The underlying game is great fun. I really hope you some day make a giant Metroidvania, put it out in steam, work on it for a couple years, etc.  

You have so much fundamental understanding of making a fun game in the genre, and I would just love to see you make a game with tons of polish. 

Would be great, Also kinda a world map to know how sectors connect and like label the warp points on the map, This games deserves some post-jam love!

Didn't realize you were the same dev! I will try and let you know

Not exactly but theres tons of short fun metroidvanias, Gato Roboto, Spooky Ghosts Dot Com, Ato, Satan Loves Cake, Plagued Station 2, Islets, LDX: Red Honey, Silent Paradise

this is so fun!! Totally gives me Metroid vibes, exploration is top notch

My only feed back - I wish the map would show borders. I get it makes exploration more challenging but it’s just really confusing. Also, I wish I could zoom out and move the map a little faster 

totally agree 

I did not expect this to be so good. It’s honestly one of the best minivanias I’ve played. PLEASE make more Metroidvanias, big or small :)

well I will be keeping an eye out and sharing this with friends. Great job :)

windows 10 yea

so fun! I had a great time. Well made and I really got no complaints. Would love to see you make a larger scope project! 

doesn’t work at all for me. After speaking to tree, I started climbing down but the camera didn’t follow and then I was off screen and totally stuck. The map also showed nothing but said a long string of 16 numbers as I guess my percentage completion? And then I quit and reloaded, it showed me a new area and my character wasn’t visible at all

Very fun! Reminded me a lot of Kalinur, which is one of my favorites. Very simple but zero bugs or anything so good jam game. That ending was so funny haha

pleaseee post a downloadable version!

loved this! Basically everything about. Just would’ve liked a map :)

Pretty fun, I liked the art style - especially background and all the weird dithering effects. 

Would’ve been nice to include keyboard prompts. controller didn’t work for me and I just had to trial and error (or at least list them on this page)

also - would’ve been nice to have more use of the abilities. Dash and the gun both felt unnecessary to clear obstacles, only double jump seemed required. So working in more obstacles to the level design will make it feel more Metroidvania - y

had fun nonetheless!

was having a ton of fun, but once I flipped the blue and red switches and it puts all those transparent blue and red tiles all over the screen, it became way too disorienting visually. Really think you should just let those switches make the red and blue dissappear, without any overlay. Would love to play again with less visual confusion!

can you post downloadable versions?

this is like, one of my favorite horror games of all time. The ambience, the frights, everything about it kept me so hooked. I love the house but this is definitely my favorite of all I’ve played 

this is surprisingly polished and fun! Really hope this becomes a full game. Only thing I was really missing is a map