Tottaly valid criticisms, I wrote in the comments of LQ: Flirting in the forests that it was a remake, but didn't include it in the title image, or game itself, so it likely just flew over people's radars, even had a few people mentioned that they didn't realize it was one, so that checks out.
Someone once suggested to me to work on putting them together in a "definitive edition" but the way I stored the dialogue trees back then was way more annoying then I have now, so it'd be a LOT of text editing and a major pain to fix, which has led to me not doing so until I get enough motivation.
Though that is interesting to know that people are thinking that LQ ICE isn't a sequel, but also my fault for not branding it properly at a glance. I was going more for a "chronicles of X: [new title]" which is more of a book thing and less of a game thing.
Was there anything in the games that you have played that you really liked or disliked?